The Narayana e-Techno School In Kaggadasura, Bengaluru offers a 360-degree learning environment to its students and is rated as one of the best schools in Kaggadasura, Bengaluru . The school follows an integrated CBSE syllabus which is equipped with a micro-schedule that defines preparation on an hour-to-hour basis and acts as an added advantage to students. Further, Narayana schools follow the best and top teaching methodologies. ... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Such a great school with wonderful teachers Definitely made the right choice by choosing this place
my child comes home every day talking about his new friends and what he learned that day He seems more interested in learning than ever before
My child has been attending for the past two months and learned so much since going here
The teachers and director really care for the kids which can be hard to find now a days
This school is amazing The staff is extremely friendly and professional My kid looks forward to going there every day