Nagarjuna Education Society was established in the year 1995 by Sri J V Ranga Raju, who is an industrialist and philanthropist. It has been possible over the years to foster the founders' mission to provide students with quality education and to augment the Human Resources capital through Education and Training. The founder's belief in the principles of Total Quality with intellectual depth and training that is necessary to pursue productive careers, has prompted him to start various Educational Institutions.Our ultimate aim is to help the children to achieve all round development of the personality and that is being achieved through individual attention and loving care for all the students of the school. We have witnessed with pride and satisfaction the steady progress of the school from a mere strength of 15 students in the year 1995 to a mighty institution with over 1200 students. Consequently, the school has carved a niche for itself in the field of education. It is matter of great honour to us that we have dedicated ourselves to the nation building process and service to the humanity.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
My child is taught well at this school
I would say that the education is decent but not the best
This school is well led and managed
My child receives appropiate homework for their age
Brillant, first class teachers
This school ensures the pupils are well behaved