Change is the only constant and our country has seen so many revolutionary changes in the last few decades. But sadly only in the field of education, we still follow the age-old practice of recognizing someone only by the grades and scores in the exams. No importance is given for the acquisition of skills and behaviour. It is unfortunate that eighty percent of our graduates are not work-ready and the remaining twenty percent also require some kind of orientation. Though our graduates fare extremely well on the content with rote learning, they struggle in the conceptual understanding which is a combination of knowledge, skill and application to real-life situations. These thoughts led to the creation of Samsidh Schools which teach the students the knowledge required, the skills to apply the learnt knowledge in real-life situations and the equanimous behaviour required to lead a contented life. Samsidh follows the CBSE curriculum and has collaborated with Zee Learn Ltd for the curriculum support.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I would not recommend this school actively
A praiseworthy school.
My kid has never felt any pressure. Education is seemless
Good School for sure.
I am very proud of my decision of getting my child admitted here. It?s a complete blend of activities and technology
A mervel I can say, in the segment of education.