The school has a chosen and unique vision and mission. It is aspired to produce some to be MAHATMA A team of like-minded dedicated and intellectually talented persons associated into a trust (Mahatma rural edu society) are striving to full-fill there cherished goal. We cater to the students from 43 village covering a radius of 12Km from the school. It follows the policy of quality education at minimum cost. Main objective of the institution is to create GREAT CITIZEN by giving quality education involving moral and spiritual values. The School model is a proprietary tool, which is an integrated holistic approach towards facilitating all-round character building and learning opportunities for students.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Absolutely satisfied with the education methodologies, staff attitude and a warm and caring school environment.
The teachers indentify the potential of every single child and assist them to grow beautifully.
Nice school. Just loved the ambience and the environment!
The highly trained teachers are caring and we are clearly witnessing a tremendous increase in my children's confidence.
My children are learning interestingly every day. They walk into school with pleasure and comes back home with so much joy.
Not very nice school with facilities are few