K.V.V Public School was established in 1982 under the chairmanship of Mr. A.B Chitapur, Secretary of Karnataka Vidya Vardhaka (K.V.V) Trust. The Institution is Recognised by the Government of Karnataka. K.V.V Public School has been delivering quality education since its inception. Students graduating from this institution have gained enormous success in Social, Economical and Political sectors of the society.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The diciplinary values and ethos are a part of this great school. Drop your child here and you dont have to worry about anything. I am a very happy parent.
A wonderful school with great sports facilities.
A very nice school offering great education to the children in a unique style. I m very happy that my child goes here.
There are no opportunities for practicing living and being independent for a child on their own.
A very nice school and since I go to drop and pick my kid every day I get to interact with the teachers who are very sweet and warm.
The scool is close to my house and along with many others who say here I am one of the parents who sends their kid here. I am happy. no reason to complain.