JTVV is located in a 6-acre plot in a prime residential locality Hosapalya of Kumbalagodu ,Bangalore. It has close proximity with various residential extensions and is well connected with bus facility.Some of the enclave facilities—such as its landscaped Children’s park, Prayer hall, Auditorium with synthetic floor shuttle court, table tennis court, mini-stadium and basketball court are available in the school... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
A very nice school offering great education to the children in a unique style. I m very happy that my child goes here.
The diciplinary values and ethos are a part of this great school. Drop your child here and you dont have to worry about anything. I am a very happy parent.
A very nice school and since I go to drop and pick my kid every day I get to interact with the teachers who are very sweet and warm.
A wonderful school with great sports facilities.
The scool is close to my house and along with many others who say here I am one of the parents who sends their kid here. I am happy. no reason to complain.
Entirely open campus with barely security guard