Indian Public School is a Co-educational secondary English medium school established in 2003 by Patil’s Charitable Trust. It imparts education to children under the CBSE Pattern. The school has been carefully designed to meet the needs of children coming from varied social, cultural and economic background.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
One of the worst school. Principal is worst of all. No assistance r concern in issues... I have made a big mistake by making my kids study in this school... Careless way of handling everything. No respect at all for parents....
Not one the best private school in the city. This is because the school does not have everything from sports, academics, facilities,etc.
A praiseworthy school.
Good School for sure.
A mervel I can say, in the segment of education.
I am very proud of my decision of getting my child admitted here. It?s a complete blend of activities and technology
My kid has never felt any pressure. Education is seemless