Ganga International School was established in the year 2006. Since its inception, the institution has been striding towards the progress to achieve the desired goal.Ganga international school is affiliated to ICSE & the medium of instruction is English and the following additional subjects are implemented other than academic curriculum. A total number of students are studying in this institution from Montessori to PU level.School located in Near Gruhalakshmi Layout, Nelagadaranahalli... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
We honestly believe that my son would not be the boy he is now if he had not have come to this school.
Great school environment.
Supportive and positive response everytime we contact.
Good to see how my child is being taught.
Lovely students andteacers. Good location.
There needs to be more balance between academics and after school student involment.