Footprints Preschool & Day Care creche is an International Standard preschool & Daycare chain run by IIT-IIM alumni with having Multiple centers across India.The Programs at Footprints is modeled upon High Scope curriculum that emphasizes active participatory learning. We at footprints provide a rich and stimulating program which is designed to educate the child in a wholesome manner: physically, intellectually, emotionally, as well as socially. Footprints also make sure of having highly trained facilitators who continuously look upon the best development of the child by a loving, warm & nurturing environment. We provide Specific Methods of instruction- Highscope Curriculum, Tae-Kwon-do, Dance Classes, Story Telling, Show and Tell, Dance Classes, Pretend Play and much more… ... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Very happy to have a such school in the town.
The classroom, play area are safeguarded and is very children friendly.
People of good intensions with excellent support system .
Every day there is a new fun activity which is planned in such a way that kids don't get bored of doing the same things.
Very well thought curriculum by the school.
Very happy to have a such school in the town.
The classroom, play area are safeguarded and is very children friendly.
People of good intensions with excellent support system .
Every day there is a new fun activity which is planned in such a way that kids don't get bored of doing the same things.
Very well thought curriculum by the school.