Bloom montessori students grow together into a close-knit, caring environment. Because the curriculum is individualized, your child can work at her own pace while participating in a mixed age classroom community. Your younger child learns by observing and looking up-to the behavior and activities of the older children. Your older children on the other hand gain self-confidence, leadership skills and responsibility by setting an example for the younger friends... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
What I love most about them is that the preschool provides a good balance of indoor as well as outdoor activities in a very natural homely environment.
Love their infrastructure and close to nature environment.
Their activities to teach different things to every kid is just amazing.
A preschool purely driven by passion and love.
I was surprised to see the activites planned for nursery. Teachers are very firendly.
The perfect preschool to send your kid. Love the way children are connected with each other.
What I love most about them is that the preschool provides a good balance of indoor as well as outdoor activities in a very natural homely environment.
Love their infrastructure and close to nature environment.
Their activities to teach different things to every kid is just amazing.
A preschool purely driven by passion and love.
I was surprised to see the activites planned for nursery. Teachers are very firendly.
The perfect preschool to send your kid. Love the way children are connected with each other.