Satanarayan Academy, a Unique, Residential, Co-educational, English Medium Sr.Secondary School is affiliated to C.B.S.E (Central Bord of Secondary Education), New Delhi, Vide Affiliation No. 2430061. It was founded on 2nd of July, 1993 by the renowned Lawyer Mr. Satyanarayan Datta, with the motto to provide value based, man-making education for the all-round development of the children. The Institution, run by a Registered Society under the societies Registration Act, is sponsored and promoted by 'Satanarayan Group'. The School is governed by the School Managing Committee consisting of mainly Ex-students and Devotees of Ramakrishna Mission. The Advisory Committee and the Academic Council and Devotees of Ramakrishna Educationalists, distinguished personalities and devotees of the Missionary Group, both from India and Abroad.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Teacher are very grounded to parent queries and they give goods feed back about our kids
Teacher are very grounded to parent queries and they give goods feed back about our kids
Sporting facilities are reasonable but can emphasis on developing indoor sports and other sports facilities also
Sporting facilities are reasonable but can emphasis on developing indoor sports and other sports facilities also
My Child is happy with facilities provided by the school like library, labs, computer digital lab and play ground are well maintained
My Child is happy with facilities provided by the school like library, labs, computer digital lab and play ground are well maintained
School Evaluates there student accordingly which one the features of there academics
School Evaluates there student accordingly which one the features of there academics
I Joined my kid in this school the hostel, school and facilities are very reasonable. Infrastructure are up to mark
I Joined my kid in this school the hostel, school and facilities are very reasonable. Infrastructure are up to mark