Sri Ranganath International School, is an English medium school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, (C.B.S.E), New Delhi. It is the dream child of Kavade Educational Trust, Bagalkot. The school is co-educational and commenced its academic functions from the year July 2009-2010. The school believes in providing international quality education at affordable costs. We feel there is tremendous scope for development and improvement in the knowledge society where the children have to compete globally and a multitasking creative team player is the employers' need of the day. With this focus, the management has a strategic tie-up with "Academy for Creative Teaching" (ACT) to devise a strategy to develop the school and enhance quality systems in the institution such that it can enhance creativity, discipline among learners.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Faculty member are very approachable to the students they always support the student needs towards academics
Faculty member are very approachable to the students they always support the student needs towards academics
Sporting Arena are very moderate, school can concentrate on building more sporting facility
Sporting Arena are very moderate, school can concentrate on building more sporting facility
Facilities around the Campus are well designed catering to student overall growth
Facilities around the Campus are well designed catering to student overall growth
My kids has excelled in his academics because of best teachings followed by the school
My kids has excelled in his academics because of best teachings followed by the school
School has provided best infrastructure at very affordable cost and they are determined in providing education to all masses
School has provided best infrastructure at very affordable cost and they are determined in providing education to all masses