Podar Internnational School, Aurangabad was established in 2009. Currently the school runs from Grade 1 to Grade 12. It has over 1800 students and a staff size of more than 80 teachers. The school is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi. Our scholastic record, innovative learning methods and strong commitment to delivering quality through integrity has helped us scale heights that few have managed in the field of education. The school aims at imparting inclusive education and focuses on experiential learning. At Podar International School, the students from a very young age are trained and encouraged to be independent thinkers and to take on an approach of innovation and ingenuity. Therefore, when faced with a problem or a situation, our students do not simply look for ready answers but use their imagination and analytical abilities to create pragmatic solutions. a problem or a situation, our students do not simply look for ready answers We believe that every Podar student should be able to adapt to the global scenario that they would be a part of – the scenario that is in a constant state of flux – the scenario where change is the only constant. We train the wards in our charge to be steadfast in an ever changing environment and think out of the box, using their skills and core competence to make sure their success is not a Modern Citizens We live in an age where technology has pervaded every single space, right from agriculture to aerospace, economics to policy. The Podar approach to learning imparts our future generations with the necessary technical know-how and the awareness of the fundamentals of each technology so they are unfazed by changes and brace the challenge with confidence. We understand that integrity, values and standards are what separate the successful from true success. It is a matter of pride for Podar International School that we don’t just make our children knowledgeable – we nurture the little saplings of wisdom, inculcating values and standards that will help achieve not just numerical success but also win the hearts of the world along the way.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.