Shrishti Vidyashram is a CBSE higher Secondary School in Vellore located on the sprawling Shrishti Campus, Vellore. Since its inception in June 2002 Shrishti CBSE has become one of the most preferred School for high quality education in Vellore District. The continous academic and extra-curricular track records achieved by the students each year –stand testimony for the same. Backed by a committed management, dedicated teachers, a very active parents council, on-going developmental activities.The main objective is to prepare students for a rewarding future both in terms of academic excellence and personal discipline, a combination that inspires every student to excel in his or her profession as well as to be a useful citizen capable of contributing to the progress of our country. The teaching methodology is centred around the “Learning By Doing” concept and practice that imparts a high degree of confidence in every student. The values and traditions so unique to India form part of education and at the same time, exposes the students to the latest development’s in Western thinking and practices, so that, at the end of the course, the student becomes a ‘world citizen’ in attitude, abilities and aspirations. Above all, the teachers and staff of Shrishti Vidyashram are trained to be student-friendly, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Decisions related to kids were always our family decisions. My in laws my parents me and my husband. This was the only school we all had a mutual liking so we are here.
The higher grade teachers are very rash, and very fast in teaching.
Apart from good teachers what I like the most about this school is their approach towards learning. It is very different from other schools.
There is no good and bad school in my opinion . But as a parent if this school makes my kid happy it becomes the best school for me
The years spent in school are important for a child in every way. As parents it is our responsibility to provide them this opportunity. That is why I chose this school for my kid.