Welcome to Bhavan’s Vidyashram, Rajahmundry. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Residential Public School, inaugurated in June, 2011."" It is the prime endeavour of the school to inculcate in the students the tenets of Bharatiya Vidya and the Bhavan’s Culture. The school purports to nurture every child within the campus to grow up with an independent, inquiring and creative mind in an ambiance of freedom of thought and expression. This creative environment encourages harmonious relationship between the teacher and the taught. Presently the Vidyashram offers instruction from LKG to XII std.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Activity clubs here are my child?s favourite. My child has a creative bent so this school meet all our needs.
I wont say I have never had to address my concern or I have had no complains. I have reached out when needed and the team at school had given me all support.
Teachers are okay, could have a bunch of good teachers.
I am extremely proud of my child as not just academics, the achievements go beyond that. Sports and dance were two main concerns and my kid is excelling in both.