In 1934 when Abasaheb Atre joined the school, its condition was more than worse. The number of pupils was less. To have the institution established against the many odds it was facing was the great task before him. He, however, did not lose his heart. In 1937 Abasaheb Atre took the responsibility as the Principal. Despite the adverse conditions he started night classes for workers. He personally convinced parents the importance of learning and appealed them to send their wards to his school. He literally went from door to door to gather students and raise money. Facing all such difficulties he tried to run the school smoothly. Soon the night classes turned into Night High School. The Night School received the ‘Patkar shield’ for the highest results at the S.S.C. Exams in the State in 1985. The shield was given by the Maharashtra State Night High School Principals’ Association’. In 1988 the Night School celebrated its Golden Jubilee. With determination, dedication and devotion Abasaheb Atre continued his work. School was his life’s mission. He got valuable guidance and active support by the then Chairperson Shri. Raosaheb Dixit. The school kept on marching on the path of progress smoothly.... Read more
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I wont say I have never had to address my concern or I have had no complains. I have reached out when needed and the team at school had given me all support.
Activity clubs here are my child?s favourite. My child has a creative bent so this school meet all our needs.
I am extremely proud of my child as not just academics, the achievements go beyond that. Sports and dance were two main concerns and my kid is excelling in both.
The administration does not put enough effort into actually caring for the students and their well being as much as other administrators do in other schools.