Podar Jumbo Kids school is located in Lohegaon Kalwad Road,Dhanori.Podar Jumbo Kids school was Established in 1927, by Sheth Anandilal Podar.Our constantly growing network of education institutions includes a wide spectrum of Pre-Primary schools under the brand name of Podar Jumbo Kids.Podar today is a trusted name and an acknowledged leader in the collective effort to shape the future of our children.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
It?s a very clean and safe environment.
The teachers are friendly, nurturing and are really devoted to the children and their learning.
Safety has been given a top priority for the kids.
Best preschool, the teachers are excellent.
School has a open space and is safe and secure.
It?s a very clean and safe environment.
The teachers are friendly, nurturing and are really devoted to the children and their learning.
Safety has been given a top priority for the kids.
Best preschool, the teachers are excellent.
School has a open space and is safe and secure.