Established on 07 April 1999 to realize the vision and aspirations of Late Shri Kishor Suryawanshi. A vision that remained unfulfilled has manifested into this modern school with traditional values- a school with a difference, where all-round development of children is the mission; a school where facilities are created for meaningful utilization by the children and not merely to attract parents ; and, a school where children are encouraged to dream and then guided to have the vision, the courage and the perseverance to succeed in whatever they choose.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The school does not bother about whom they hire and have hired anyone without a basic background check.
Very good school. Im a hapy parent.
Excellent place for a child to learn not just academic stuff but even values
Perfect environment for students to grow and lead a disciplined life.
Its a home away from home..and rightly so.
A great way to get your child to experience how to lead a structured and organised life.