Rainbow initiated its educational journey from the June 2007. It has since then experienced a series of events, which makes Rainbow International School an established brand today in the world of education. The Rainbow International School has now become a proud yet humble team of experts, staff, with several students becoming part of it every year. In span of 6 years, it has led 25,000 students to become groomed individuals and acquire necessary learning abilities. Our aim is to offer happy, safe, and secure surroundings to students and foster insightful attitude in the same... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
My children have learned valuable skills on taking ownership of their own learning.
This unique school offers many opportunities for my children to develop.
This school has provided an environment to nurture an enthusiam and love for learning. That more could we want from a school?
Teachers do not really care about their students personally.
I have observed how the teachers work with the children in the classroom and how they manage the students.
I enjoy being part of my children's learning journey and be able to sare in the many stories of their day at school.