The School is located Kamothe, Panvel. Established in 1927, by Sheth Anandilal Podar, Podar Education Network has, from the very beginning been focussed driven and motivated by the traditional Indian values of honesty, integrity and service. The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, being the very first President of the Anandilal Podar Trust stands testimony to this fact.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
This is great pre school. It provides good learning experience for a child, the staff is well trained and the management is very cooperative.
They come up with great educational and fun activities for kids.
They nurture the curiosity in a child, give it a proper shape and direction.
Fantastic school. Great staff and focus on overall development of the kids.
The staff is taking very good care of our child.There are no words to appreciate someone whose words empower children to chase their dreams.
This is great pre school. It provides good learning experience for a child, the staff is well trained and the management is very cooperative.
They come up with great educational and fun activities for kids.
They nurture the curiosity in a child, give it a proper shape and direction.
Fantastic school. Great staff and focus on overall development of the kids.
The staff is taking very good care of our child.There are no words to appreciate someone whose words empower children to chase their dreams.