I feet over whelmed with the trust you have shown in us by putting your precious ward under our care. We the team of P.C.S assure you that we shalt not let you down. Learning is a never ending process. We are at the stage in human history when it is necessary to accept that educating the present and future generation is a huge challenge. I aspire that my students always strive for personal growth, have the courage to draw their own road map. We have tried to give our students opportunities and platform to expose their talent, Identify their signature strength and use them as their advantage in order to excel. Let us together raise our children to be honest, truthful, kind, loving and forgiving. I am sure that with mutual co-operation, we shall surely succeed in our mission.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The school that provides invigorating and competitive atmosphere where students discover their own talents and get an opportunity to develop and showcase there talents
School is a great place where teachers plants the seeds of knowledge with lovepatientce growth to produce tomorrow leaders
Well place with all aminities lastest mode of teaching with highly capable staff they have best classrooms with tidy
Teachers put more efforts and they have great managenment it is the main reason for the developnment of school
A great place to learn grow and to nurture and also to know which is right or wrong and what to do or no in the society