Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centre, Kidwai Nagar, was established in 1990 and is affiliated to the CISCE, New Delhi. The school has a strength of 2600 students. Both science and commerce streams are avilable as options. The school has an extensive playground and has facilities for basketball, volleyball, handball, football, hockey, cricket, kho-kho, badminton, table tennis. Activities such as clay modelling, skating, aero modeling, electronics, instrumental music (drums, guitar, sitar, tabla, violin, casio) Indian classical music, skating, Tae-kwon-do, photography, candle making, cooking, knitting, stitching, craft, public speaking, dramatics etc. are taught by special activity teachers. ... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The staff here are just fantastic and caring
Best education at this affordable price
Fantastic school Highly recommend
My kid used to be so eager to go to school each morning before the pandemic Credit goes to the amazing staff at this school
This school is great in all aspects Happy parent