"SIS is an independent school and admissions are at the discretion of the Principal and the management, in line with the educational policy. Admission to SIS is open to all without any distinction of caste, creed, colour or religion. Assessment for admission is normally by informal interaction conducted between the Principal, student, both parents and caretakers. The interaction is conducted in a way that demonstrates the prospective student’s personality and capabilities. The school is committed to admit any child who clears the interaction, provided there is a vacancy. When there is no vacancy in the desired class, successful students will be placed on a waiting list and considered for the first available slot. Parents are advised to apply for admission at the earliest. As per the policy of the school, a child once admitted as a boarder will not be allowed to convert to the status of a day scholar. However, a day scholar may convert to a boarder, provided there is a vacancy in the Boarding House."... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
There is no good and bad school in my opinion . But as a parent if this school makes my kid happy it becomes the best school for me
Decisions related to kids were always our family decisions. My in laws my parents me and my husband. This was the only school we all had a mutual liking so we are here.
The years spent in school are important for a child in every way. As parents it is our responsibility to provide them this opportunity. That is why I chose this school for my kid.
Apart from good teachers what I like the most about this school is their approach towards learning. It is very different from other schools.
The school lacks basic facilities and has people peeping in on the students,