Tilak Public School is an English Medium Co- educational Sr. Sec. School affiliated to CBSE, Delhi. The school runs classes from std. Nursery to XII and 100% quality result is produced in board classes. The school follows NCERT/CBSE syllabus. At the Senior Secondary level i.e. in classes XI and XII, students may choose from three different streams Science, Commerce and Humanities depending upon their career choices. Our School provides students with an excellent academic program while preparing students to achieve their educational goals. Our dedicated staff works to support students so they may acquire the educational skills necessary for success. The school represents a holistic and constructivist approach to education, one that seeks to provide equal educational and developmental opportunities to all. We are committed to providing an stress free environment where every child can grow, learn and develop strong character and principles to ensure success in the future. about School seeks to empower all students with creativity, achievement and development, through holistic and humane education. The motto of the school is "Work is worship" and every student is expected to strive towards attainment of this goal by dedicated efforts through harmony between Head, Hand and Heart. The management and teachers work together to strengthen this Motto making education a great learning experience. In this ever-changing world, technology is playing most important role in the field of education. To make the process of teaching & learning more lively, interactive, interesting, vast, & to know the answer to each ‘Why’; we have come up with ‘smart classrooms’. The most important lesson to remember for everyone in the school is to maintain discipline, punctuality, honesty & truthfulness.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Best school in the locality
Sending the kid to study a little away from home was a choice I made after many second thoughts. But after admitting my child here I have never had any such thoughts. I am very happy
The best part is my child has friends from many cities and states and I think that good for social skill development
They should work on the infrastructure of the school.
Beautiful campus, teachers are dedicated and lots of events at the school for the child to be constructively engaged in.
Struggling to match timings was becoming such a pain. Here the day is timed in a manner that the child can study and spend other time in pursuing hobbies and other interests.