Through the untiring efforts of Eastern Educational Promotional Society the dream project "Delhi Public School Itanagar" a co-educational day boarding and residential school (Under the Aegies of DPS Society, New Delhi) was established in the year 2006 in an area of 20 acares of land at Jully Village, Itanagar. Set amidst tall trees and green playground, it provides a serene and unpolluted atmosphere where children can grow and attain their maximum potential. To educate all students, to become lifelong learners and productive citizens in a global society through a program of educational excellence utilizing technology and activities involving parents and the community.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I am Delighted for my chilld with School Infrastructure with lush green premises connected with nature
I am Delighted for my chilld with School Infrastructure with lush green premises connected with nature
Teaching staff are experienced and helpful for children's future
Teaching staff are experienced and helpful for children's future
Sporting area have been designed inline with nature
Sporting area have been designed inline with nature
My kids feels at home with all the facilites
My kids feels at home with all the facilites
Academics is dedicated in fostering the Children confidence
Academics is dedicated in fostering the Children confidence