Saraswati Shishu Mandir CBSE The Vidyalaya is situated in a sprawling campus of 2.25 acres in Khatiwala Tank area in the heart of Indore metropolis. The school was established in the year 1966 by late Mrs. Snehlata Ranade "Malutai" and her colleagues dedicated to education and society to make a dream come true. The dream was to provide modern and not "expensive" but "good" education to the new generation, which fills it with Indian values ??and keeps pace with the changing times. At present, classes from class Ankur (Nursery) to class XII (12th) are being conducted in the school. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. There are Mathematics, Science and Commerce faculty with Hindi and English medium in higher classes.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Well trained teachers and a peaceful and learning - friendly school environment.
Nice school. Feels great to be associated with the school as parent!
Nice concept, students will have a bright future.
Fee is high for the facilities tey are giving to the students.
Excellent school with all the latest methods of teaching.
Teachers allow kids to explore by themselves through activities. My kids are so happy to go to school and they enjoy it.