Vidya Dayini Model High School was started in the year 1981.The school has a well equipped science Laboratory where in the hands on experience is given to the students in various theoretical concepts of different branches of science. The school has a good collection of books to cater to the different tastes of students in its well laid out library. For the physical development of students, the management gives equal importance by providing facilities in different sports and games. Equal attention is also given to the different sports and games. Equal attention is also given to the co-curricular activities to develop leadership qualities in the students and to tap inherent talent among the students... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Best school for all round education
Labs and computers are very advanced. They are digitally progressing over the time.
Sending your child to a little distance to fetch milk used to worry me initially imagine taking this step. But on out visit we were shown how safe abd secure is the school premises. We decided then itself and enrolled.
Teachers gave a lot of time in the initial meetings to gain deeper insights about my child. That moved me.
Could be better. Seems like it is still improving.