SMHS has taken an initiative for animation. Aniguru is a premium Animation Training Company, the first of its kind in India,having made thorough and successful research into the prospect of introducing Animation to children at a very young age.With an objective of venturing out to make animation studies simpler for all ages, Aniguru integrates animation studies with schooling, from First standard itself. The program results in integration of various subject related projects prescribed by the CBSE into animation projects, As observed students experienced a new way of learning their subjects.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Good understanding of each child's capabilities and encouraging and stretching them to reach their full potential.
Both my girls loves school, are so happy and are thriving- such a lovely school.
The students here rarely get in trouble, which is nice. But the teachers don't know how to deal with trouble students when they are around.
Good discipline and standards.
Personal individual knowledge of the children- really consistent gentle encouragement.
Approachable and friendly staff.