H.A.L Secondary School was started in 1968 in order to cater to the wards of H.A.L employees. Initially primary classes were started and then gradually the school grew into a high school. At present the school is affiliated to C.B.S.E and it has become a full-fledged C.B.S.E school in 2014. H.A.L Secondary School has a strength of 1350 students and 50 teaching staff. The school has best of facilities in all spheres like well ventilated class rooms with adequate resources, well equipped laboratories, Library, auditorium and Play Ground.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
my child has blessed with this wonderful teachers
initialization of the every activity is good
learning environment is good
fanstastic job done by the teachers
unity in the school members