Geetanjali Olympiad School is located in Mithila Nagar.Geetanjali Olympiad School was established in 2004 with a noble cause of grooming the students to see greater heights in their life and career. Our motto aims at holistic development of a student. We counsel every student to be self-responsible, well-disciplined, self-motivated & target-oriented so that they walk towards excellence in their academics and be a successful citizen of future India.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Sending your child to a little distance to fetch milk used to worry me initially imagine taking this step. But on out visit we were shown how safe abd secure is the school premises. We decided then itself and enrolled.
Labs and computers are very advanced. They are digitally progressing over the time.
Does not have a well rounded education.