DILSUKHNAGAR PUBLIC SCHOOL is located in Dilsukhnagar,Opp.Saroornagar Police Station.While trying to educate young minds, We are into learning new things everyday, and DPS belives in jhon cotton Dana's principle that,"one who teachs must never cease to learn". Thus, while epanding our own reach we are also epanding our horizons.Starting from our Main Block in Dilsukhnagar, established in 1985 to our latest campus at Badangpet, established in 2012, We are always into the process of teaching-learning while enlightening our students and ourselves.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
We are grateful for the support and dedication
My child is happy at this place!
You are the best!!
Great team!
School building is old. But over all the school staff does a decent job in keeping the student body safe, and healthy.
Quality education