Heera Kunwar Senior Secondary School affiliated to CBSC Delhi, was established in the year 1996 and is Administrated by the Committee of Heera Kunwar Educational Society. As now a days almost students educated through English Medium pass competitive exam or get respected job. The people of Golapar area also wanted to educate their children through English Medium.There was no English Medium School they could do nothing. Keeping in view the needs of the people of Golapar area the committee decided to establish this School to fulfill the Educational needs of children of Golapar, providing all facilities according to limited economic capacity of their parents. The aim of starting this School is to impart quality education. The training embodies, latest teaching methods and the purpose to create in Students discipline, loyalty, diligence, obedient and courtesy... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.