The school is English medium and purely co-educational. It is affiliated to CBSE (10+2) New Delhi. The school is providing Science (PCM, PCB), Commerce and Humanities up to Senior Secondary level. The school campus has about two acres of land, triple storied building with a large playground and gardening. School has one national level kho-kho playground. The studies are through Smart classes. There are more then 25 cameras inside the classes and campus for 24*7 surveillance. The pattern of education is based on the real needs of every child with a view to promote his/her intelligence, grasping power, reasoning abilities and application or acquired knowledge. It also ensures that every child develops the qualities of trust, tolerance, integrity, love and compassion to become a good citizen of India.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I have noticed a drastic improvement in my kids academics and sports
the ambiance of the school is undeniably very uplifting
The students are not burdened by the academic pressure
the school maintains a very ligh and lifting atmosphere to make the students feel refreshed all the time
the school manages to preserve the culture and valueas and impart modern education at the same time