Nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of Brij Vihar, Bal Bharati Public School, established by the Child Education Society in 1984, has over the years been able to carve out a niche for itself by its futuristic vision and holistic education. At present, the school has a roll strength of around 2915 students.The School Managing Committee is headed by Mr. R.K. Gupta as the Chairman and Mr. L.V. Sehgal as the Secretary (Manager). Mr. Arvind Bhatia, the Principal, is supported by a team of experienced and qualified teachers... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
School should consider small class sizes ensure that every child is known.
From day one my daughter enjoyed each and everyday she spends in school and used to look forward to go to school everday
I would like to appreciate the kind efforts of teachers of this school
You have been fantastic teachers. Thank you!!
My child loves to go to this school so much that even on a holiday he does not want to sit at home
Thank you for the good grooming and care you have done for my child.
Best school