Under the auspices of the venkatesapuram Association Junior Basic School (I to V) was Started on 1st January, 1956. By June 1957 it was upgraded into a senior Basic school with a gradual addition of standards VI to VIII. The magnanimous donation contributed by Sri J.H. Tarapore and Sri C.S.Loganatha Mudaliar was utilized by the Venkatespuram Association for the development ofthe School. Mr. J.H. Tarapore expressed his desire to upgrade this institution into a High School and later a college. The Tarapore and loganathan Higher secondary School for girls under the management of the management of the Venkatesapuram Tarapore Educational Trust is an Institution approved and recognised by the Director of school Education, Tamil Nadu. The Venkatesapuram Tarapore Educational. trust has under its control - Tamil Mediom Nursery and Primary School, English Medium Preparaory School, Matriculation School and a Higher Secondary School.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Nice school. Good choice
I have been a fan of children having mastery over at-least one sport or talent. But time does not permit to pursue the skill. However here its not that, here my child gets ample time to pursue sports as well as studies
One of the best schools in the city in this budget
My neighbour?s child studies here. They seem to be always doing assignments. Too much homework I think