Rosily Matriculation Hr. Sec. School was started in 1999 at Chitlapakkam, the Rosily Educational and Charitable Trust(REACT) ,regd.Since then it has been serve the people in and around this locality.Salient features of this school are individual attention,concept teaching,holistic personality development and discipline. The school is located Chitlapakkam.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The infrastructure is very good , the staff is cooperative and it gives me immense satisfaction to be associated with this school.
A sought after school in the region. My child is very happy and after months of research I had taken this decision. I am happy as a parent.
Teachers here have a very unique and modern way of teaching which makes the child have a better understanding of the concept.
Both of my children go to this school. The academics here are not very challenging in general, and, as a result, many students are not motivated enough or care about academics enough.
The staff is very good. They update us timely with all upcoming events and what all is going in the school.