Pon Vidyashram is a CBSE school in Kolapakkam, Chennai. The school moto is "Evolution through Education" Pon Vidyashram is a CBSE. Affilliated to CBSE and Affilliation no 1930367.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
It was a very comforting meeting with the staff when we went for the admission. We are very happy with our child?s progress
The management makes a lof of questionable decisions and as a whole are too concerned with being politically correct in everything, even more so than other schools in the area.
I think as a parent I could not have managed shuttling between school, sports classes and guitar tutions. I am happy that my child is getting all of it in one secure campus.
A school can be taxing on the mind and can take a lot of time. But I was guided well and as a parent I am happy I chose this school.