The School of AMAHSS emerged on the auspicious day of Vijayadashmi at the early beginning of the year 2002 with about a handful amount of future pioneers who had their name written as the students of this esteemed institute. The present day embarks about more than three thousand candidates along with the institute being one of the most alleged establishments among the whole region of Chennai and Southern India. The upcoming years of 2004-05 had their own share of memory in form of achievements and growth where Vani Vidyalaya extended its status from the earlier level of Class VI to Class VIII. Added to it, the virtuous news of the institute being united with the CBSE was also perceived.... Read more
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There aren't a ton of options in sports.
Any concerns I have all the teachers are approachable and are able to help
My child is taught well at this school
This school ensures the pupils are well behaved
My child loves school, enjoys everyday and looks u to her teacher
Brillant, first class teachers