Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School is CBSE affiliated, co-educational, Govt. aided School of a rich reputation. School was established on the auspicious day of Baisakhi 13th April, 1965 and successfully completed 50 years. The school is situated in an area of 5.772 acres. The total student strength of the school is 1720.The students at Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School are given freedom of self expression and are encouraged to think for themselves. In the progressive atmosphere of the modern age, our endeavour at Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School to equip the children with the set of values so needed to bring forth a balanced individual. They are given ample opportunities for self expression so that they learn to shoulder responsibilities in day to day life. Emphasis is laid on qualities such as self confidence and truthfulness towards oneself and society. The school has a well furnished air conditioned computer lab. It has a well stocked library. The school has a House System. It is distributed into four houses namely 1. Sahibzada Ajit Singh House 2.Sahibzada Jujhar Singh House 3.Sahibzada Zorawar Singh House 4.Sahibzada Fateh Singh House. The segregation of students into sections A,B,C. of various classes is done to ensure equal distribution of boys and girls in all the classes. Importance is not given only to the spirit of competition in academics and extracurricular activities but also in the day to day involvement of students in the maintained of discipline and premises by the house on duty for the week. This system teaches them to shoulder responsibilities and develop a sense of belonging to their alma-meter.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
They lack a mechanism to update parents about different things timely.
Nice school. Good choice
One of the best schools in the city in this budget
I have been a fan of children having mastery over at-least one sport or talent. But time does not permit to pursue the skill. However here its not that, here my child gets ample time to pursue sports as well as studies
I am sure there are the schools doing other wonderful things but this school fit my budget and checklist. Good staff, neat and clean hygienic campus, sports and arts facilities its has it all.