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HomeGeneralMust do things to take your child out of exam stress

Must do things to take your child out of exam stress

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For you, as a parent, the exams are not very hard or problematic, but it is otherwise for your children. Stressful and challenging, are the words we hear if you enquire about an exam generally. Children are what they are, and we must help them with the tactics to survive or tackle this issue. What is your role as a parent in an exam? What do you do to produce more results? And How can you help your child to get out of exam stress? Let’s discuss all these below.

A Supportive Positive Ambiance

The environment that we stay in has lots of things to do with what we do right now. A comfortable, peaceful, and vibrant atmosphere is necessary to produce powerful results. The parent can set a beautiful and calm place at home that supports the child to study well, by doing so, the child gets a positive vibe which assists him to study very well for the coming examination. Your presence and support make plenty of changes in studies because the child is so comfortable and attached to the parent. Be very friendly and ensure your child has access to a good space, good lighting, and materials.

Establish Realistic Expectation

It’s quite natural every parent wants their children to excel in their studies and do well in the exams. However, it is significant to set realistic expectations for your child’s ability to perform in the exam, taking into account of interest, abilities, and past performance are unavoidable. Your Unrealistic expectation panic the child which naturally leads to stress and anxiety. If the child is stressed, it affects the child’s confidence and impacts performance. Remember, if your child has a history of a learning disability or if the child is not very interested in a subject, it is not good to expect more in that area.  

A Perfect Time Management

Planning is the first and foremost thing to all. The arrival of the exam is already announced, so managing time at the eleventh hour is not a good idea to generate good results. Planning together a perfect schedule do a great job in the result. The child and parent or guardian can together make this plan, you can advise your child where to spend more time and where less. Here, we can make sure that the child is getting enough time to cover all the topics before the exam.

Getting distracted waste time a lot such as Social media, TV, games, or any other activities. Limiting those is difficult but it has to be done for the betterment of your child’s future. Do not forget to teach them about the importance of taking breaks, long hours of study can be exhausting and counterproductive.

Have a Great Sleep & Exercise

The season of exams is a stressful time for children, and it is found students give the least priority to healthy habits in the rush of study and preparation. Taking a nice sleep is the first priority. Children may sacrifice sleep and study overnight, which will affect their studies a lot. Maximum utilization of time for the exam is good but it should not be done by sacrificing your sleep. Set a time to go to bed and to wake up, parents always want to encourage their children a healthy sleeping habits.

Physical activities have been shown the best result in cognitive function and in reducing stress, making excellent ways to prepare for exams.  A short walk or stretch or small game helps your child to be healthy and to get out of tension.

Eat Nice Food to Get Out of Mental Stress

Another factor is nutritious food, an uncompromised factor to be very healthy during the time of exam. It is the responsibility of the parent to set a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains to make their children healthy.

Mental health is a critical part of the exam. If not, children cannot concentrate and recall what they have studied. The feeling of the child is utmost important and has to be taken care of without any further delay. Meditation, exercise, music, reading, and spending time with family and close friends help the child a lot to get out of stress and anxiety.

Offer a Word of kindness

Respect and consideration are two words that every one of us expects from others. Your child is at the peak of his stress, when it happens he wants somebody to talk, and to share the feeling he has. Understanding the feeling and hearing the problems of your own child is necessary, and every parent must buy a little time for that. Give a positive word, and console them because as a parent your words can have more impact than others. Whatever happens, give hope that you are there to support them always.

Celebrate Your Child’s Achievements

When your child achieves something in the exam, it is important to celebrate it with great happiness, even if it is a small achievement.  It helps to understand the child is being considered by the parent and try to strive more in the coming exams. The simple way is to praise them and express your happiness in their hard work or you can reward them with a special treat, fun activity that they like most. The parents also can consider hosting a celebration by inviting family and friends to share their child’s success.  


The exam is a test to understand the capacity of the child in a particular subject. But children have their own concerns and they need lots of support from their parents to survive them. Exam preparation is easy if the parent offers their hand to their child and your help makes lots of change in their result. With the right balanced support and encouragement, parents can help their children to get good scores in their child’s exams. 



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