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How To Ensure Online Classes Are Effective And Engaging?

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In the present state of the world, we need to make peace with the fact that education can be imparted in a hybrid model only. Until offline classes can be continued when proper safety is assured in schools, online classes can back the education infrastructure until then. But besides the digital divide and other issues, another major challenge for virtual classes is the engagement of students. Although the classes operate in the line of offline classes, it lacks proper understanding and communication. Here are a few ways to ensure online classes are effective and engaging for students:

Making small children aware of technology

The secondary and senior section students are known to use the technology-based software and can adapt to the online classes better than the primary section students. But it is needed that students from every level can develop a level of understanding for online classes. For children to get used to virtual classes, they need to be trained about the same. If the Schools in Delhi teach them using the devices for learning purposes from a young age, it can offer long-term benefits. 

Using animations, videos in learning material

In a physical class, teachers can easily connect with the students. They can observe the reactions, behavior, and responses of the students and teach accordingly. Teachers can ask questions or practical examples in offline classes but in an online class setting, engaging with children can be a tough job. As children interact with videos more than texts, Schools in Noida can include videos, images, animations into teaching material for better comprehension and learning in virtual classes. 

Class quizzes are great

One of the best ways to analyze if students have understood is by asking them questions. And small quizzes serve the purpose in the best way. Small quizzes on every topic can involve every student in the class and along the same help them clear their doubts. The quiz questions should not be theoretical and lengthy but rather one word or sentence-based. 

Interact with the class

Interaction in the classroom plays an integral role in communication, learning, development, and understanding. Teachers need to ensure they are interacting positively with the students in the online classroom as they do offline. 

Smaller batches mean sounder understanding 

In a physical classroom, teachers can manage the strength of even 40-50 students. But in online classes, it is not feasible to teach such several students together. Even if the classes carry on with such strength, it won’t result in an enriching learning experience. A small strength of class means proper attention to students and thus better learning,

Organize co-curricular activities

Pandemic has been hard for everyone particularly students as they have been distanced from their peers, learning in school and playing with friends. This has resulted in several issues like depression and anxiety. While studies are important, co-curricular help students to develop skills beyond classrooms. Even in online classes, various co-curricular activities can be organized in Schools in Pune to boost creativity and enthusiasm in students.

Project work and research

Teachers can give projects and assignments to students where they can research the subject on their own and build ideas based on that. This can help in practical learning as students will learn from their understanding and experiences. Along the same, students will invest time out of school hours into studying topics which will help them comprehend the topic better. 

Encourage discussions

Peer interaction and discussion can do great for both online and offline classrooms. While this helps students understand, appreciate and explore the thoughts and ideas of other students, it also inculcates the habit of considering the views of other people. Teachers should encourage healthy discussions in classes to ensure online classes are effective and engaging.

Ask for feedbacks 

The best class operates with the suggestions of everyone. Asking for feedback from students and parents can help Schools in Jaipur create a better curriculum and virtual learning environment that can benefit students. After all, it’s students who have to be taught. It is a good idea to take suggestions from them about what parts they want to incorporate in online classes.

It is uncertain when the pandemic will be over and the education infrastructure cannot be left to degrade more in the time. It is the time when Schools in Surat need to adopt best practices and approaches to ensure online classes are effective and engaging. Children are the future and only comprehensive pedagogy can help them evolve as valuable individuals of society. 

Find the Schools in Kolkata here.

Ankita Srivastava
Ankita Srivastava
Ankita writes about the education ecosystem on Edustoke. She is a Computer Applications graduate from Lucknow University, and is passionate about the world of pedagogy and emerging technologies. She is working in Content development sphere from 3+ years and looks forward to gain valuable experience in the same.

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