Monday, December 16, 2024
HomeParenting7 ways to monitor digital usage at home

7 ways to monitor digital usage at home

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our children are growing up in an environment where technology has created countless opportunities. They can read about anything, connect with anyone anywhere in the world. But along with it, the opportunity has brought in a lot of danger. Rising addiction to digital devices has left today’s parents to feel ‘net-guilty”.

Here are 7 simple tips to take control of their digital life and make them digitally responsible.

Limit screen time:

As parents, we all understand the importance of creating a balance between the real world and the virtual world. Children are exposed to digital media not only at home but also in school. Whether playing games or accessing learning materials, establish an online schedule and strictly maintain it. Try to avoid screen usage immediately before going to bed to avoid sleep hazard.

 Place the computer in a common area:

The most effective way to keep an eye on what is happening on the screen is to place the computer in a room accessed by every member of the family. If the kid is using a tab or smartphone encourage him to sit in a common area.

 Limit your technology use:

Remember kids follow what parents do. It is important that parents also follow a good digital habit. Limit your screen time too.

 Ask questions:

Rather than telling kids what not to do on the web, ask questions like who are they interacting with, which website they have visited, what they have learnt from them, which new game they have installed etc. This way you make your approach positive and kids will also feel comfortable to get back to you if they have seen anything confusing.

 Take help of technology:

There are software’s available that can not only block inappropriate content but also tell you what all the websites the kids had visited. Monitor their online activity on a regular basis.

 Discuss the health hazards:

You should teach children about the potential health hazards associated with the overuse of digital devices. Prolonged exposure to screen may lead to an eye problem, obesity, sleep disorder and even depression. It may affect the child’s social and intellectual development.  To make your conversation more positive share the health benefits and fun associated with playing outdoors.

Make kids aware of the risks associated with online exposure:

Awareness is the key to protect your children from online dangers. Make sure kids interact with people they know personally. Also educate them about the issues like fake profile, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cybercrime etc. Let them know about the common cyber ploys like winning a large sum of money or winning something expensive for free. Even if the privacy settings are strong, it is advisable to teach them to what extent they can share information on any social platform so that privacy and personal safety is not compromised.

Principal partner - BaseKamp Rahul has over 18 years of business & operations experience in the education domain. He is committed to bringing positive change to the education ecosystem merging improved learning with financial viability for all stakeholders. Rahul has been responsible for setting up K - 12 schools as well as vocational learning centres for premier education institutions like Aptech, EuroKids, iDiscoveri & Sesame Street. He has built a sustainable franchisee network and robust channel management. As a principal partner of Basekamp he brings entrepreneurial zeal & hands-on experience of building and raising projects successfully right from scratch. Rahul is a post-graduate in Business Management and certified in Business Environment & Strategic Management from IIT Delhi.

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