St. Dominic Savio School was founded by Late Mrs. Celestine Balu. She served as a Nurse in the Indian Army for 30 years. She started this institute with her pension money with the pure motive of service. Trusting in God, she started St.Domnic Savio school with a pure motive to serve and not with any commercial or competitive motive. And as the dream of the school began to come true, she strived to give the best to her students and thus, serve the people of the locality. Along with providing education, she would provide care to any child suffering with cold and fever, feed them and then send them to their classes. There are many who are witnesses to this even today. The School is located Govindapura.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
An amazig environment for children to learn and develop.
Students and their teachers hae a good relationship.
The school provides us with the right amount of information.
A big thank you to all the teachers for all the timely updaes and taking good care of the children.
They are so concerned with the well being, learning, and social emotional growth of the child.
Friendly and inclusive whilst also keeping high academic standards.