Mrs S S Banu -Founder and Principal, I am very pleased to be the first person to welcome you. being the Founder and Principal of the school since the inception in the year 2003, I believe literacy is the best way for the development of our Nation. I have given priority to discipline apart from Indian values and academics. In my decades of pedagoguery, my contribution in the field of education is widely recognized and cited by Govt. of Karnataka, Govt. of India & many International NGO's abroad. Though I am honored with many awards, I consider the good wishes of thousands of parents as the Best Award ever received. The school too was awarded by National Udyog Excellence Award by the International Institute of Education & Management, New Delhi.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
No school could match my needs as well as this school.
Such a classy school
Fine school with good sports facilities also.
Exellent place to study.
As a parents, at first we did like the environment of the school which was friendly later found it to be opposite.
It might be worth mentioning that his teachers are not only focused on teaching well, but also ensure that children communicate the school team for their hard work and dedication towards the students.