Apollo Public School was founded in 1991 with an aim at sculpting its students into responsible global citizens who constantly strive for perfection in every aspect of their lives.Our faculty consists of handpicked professionals who are the most competent and experienced in their fields. Our faculty is constantly developing novel methods to keep students motivated and realize their true potential. Moreover, the one is to one mentoring ensures that each student excels in his strengths and is constantly improving his weaknesses.Our endeavor is to help children develop to their full potential. A tremendous amount of care and nurturing goes into physical, mental, cognitive teaching methodology steadily unfolds the Child’s true and inherent potential. The secret of entering the innocent mind of a child lies in the art of caring, giving and understanding the essence of purity that a child yesgirls possesses. The secret of entering the innocent mind of a child lies in the art of caring, giving and understanding the essence of purity that a child yesgirls possesses.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I would recommend these super school for the best caring school for the child in education and other activities.
This school addresses every need of each child,
Thanks for grooming my child. It is my personal preference for every child looking for a brighter future.
It?s pleasurable to have a safe environment for kids other than home.
I think if the school can pull up the teachers this school will do well.
Best choice! I noticed that my child has overcome the shyness and is openly taking initiatives to converse with everyone. I appreciate the efforts made by the teachers and other staff members!